Monday 15 April 2013

Lenore replies to "The Raven"'s Lyrical Subject (by Loic Bagnoud)

Do not cry my love… Do not suffer…
Do not lose hope…

T’was not my goal to make your heart sting so and it saddens me to see the clash of realities that goes within your mind…
I heard your cries of anguish, and of pain, and of sorrow, and what you conceived is not necessarily true.

A man’s fate can put his soul on the darkest of paths, away from any form of enlightenment and rational thought, the same thoughts most of you try to achieve. It was the mere apparition of the raven that made you lose control, to let your feelings of anguish and pain you tried to rationalize come out the way they did.

It was not my intent to harm you; only to enlighten you… Such truths may seem hard at first but perhaps a lie can earn powerful rewards.

The Raven’s purpose was to release the aura that so many men lose sight of or try to regain even if for a brief time. The very chains you built to keep your mind in place needed to be unlocked and if a shadow must be cast above your soul, even if it hurts for a while it will release you in the end…

But maybe I’m wrong…
Maybe some men prefer the quieter path of simplicity and logic without any form of suffering or emotion.

Emotion liberates the self and awakens energies that have been sleeping for far too long.
I can only say I did what I thought was correct and I hope you can find hope in this solemn letter.

Do not lose it…

I await for you in paradise

Forever yours


(illustration by Gustave Doré, 1884)

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