Here are two questions that can prepare you for the upcoming test. The latter one follows the phrasing of the second question in the test:
1. At the end of Huck Finn’s chapter 33, we have an episode of “mob behaviour”. Do you remember any previous one? Can you establish a contrast between this kind of behaviour and that of the (self-)reliant (wo)man
2. Consider the following quote by the American Studies scholar Richard Slotkin. Produce an argumentative text commenting on the sentence, and relating it with at least two texts belonging to this subject.. You can write either in Portuguese or in English:
“The evolution of the American myth was a synthetic process of reconciling the romantic-conventional myths of Europe to American experience – a process which, by an almost revolutionary turn, became an analytical attempt to (...) get back to the primary source of blood-knowledge of the wilderness, (...) the basic (...) myth-generating psychology of man.”
Richard Slotkin, Regeneration through Violence: the Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600-1860 (Wesleyan UP, 1973), 17.