Sunday 11 December 2016

Creative Writing by Matilde Gouveia: Knickerbocker

Ah, Knickebocker
What a fun name to say!
Doesn't matter if it's made up,
Have you heard the stories he relayed?
Poor Rip Van Winkle,
His kindness and laziness unmatched
Found a party up in the mountains
And dozed away twenty years past!
(Could he possibly be
The Sleeper Whitman aspired to be?)
Then the terrifying, hauntingly story
Of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow
A horseman with no head,
Lopping of others instead!
(Could it be, as a curse,
He had succumbed to the Imp of Perverse?)
You cannot simply escape from the Horseman,
Crossing a certain bridge is just a diversion.
This is why this writer
Is the password to my mind.
The inspiration to the creation
Of stories I shall unravel in time.

Explanation: The poem is based on the stories written by Diedrich Knickebocker (a persona of the satirist Washington Irving). The first story, Rip Van Winkle, could be compared to Whitman, not just with "The Sleepers" but also "Song of Myself" (as the character and poetic subject both "loafe"). "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "The Imp of the Perverse" both have characters that have the impulse to kill and the supernatural element.

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