Monday 3 June 2013

Additional info about "The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg"

After reading The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg by Mark Twain, which I enjoyed very much, I felt the necessity of doing some research about the novella and the different opinions that the work has generated among critics. The fact is that I came across a video in which three people discuss and analyse some of the aspects of the short novel which I found very interesting to gain a better insight into Mark Twain’s work, since they provide background materials and discussion questions to enhance the reading and understanding of the story. In the videos, they deal with some topics such as:

  • What is the town of Hadleyburg and its residents like?

  • What is the role of public opinion in Hadleyburg?

  • Who is "the man," and what does he represent?

  • Why do the residents of Hadleyburg change the town's motto?

  • Is the town of Hadleyburg—with its pride in honest dealings and commercial spirit—representative of America?


And for those of you who are interested in watching the whole discussion, here you have the link:

1 comment:

Margarida Ferreira said...

Vídeos bastante interessantes, sem dúvida alguma. É sempre bom ouvir outras perspectivas também fora do espaço da aula em relação ao tão "famoso" estranho presente em Twain.